Choose a preferred day and time for your Breakthrough call with Sandra. Then, check out what some of our past clients have to say below…

 Love from past clients

“I’ve worked with other coaches in the past, Sandra is first class and excellent at what she does. Right away she was able to zero in on my message, my ideal client and target market. I was able to understand my ideal client’s needs in a way I might have missed without her direction. ”

Kristin Vergara

Spiritual Life Coach

“Sandra, I signed up another new client today for my signature program. Whoohoo!”

Astra Fox

Spiritual Life & Purpose Coach

“Before working with you, I was feeling overwhelmed in my business. You helped me focus and prioritize my tasks so I was working on tasks that actually helped me to enroll new clients. I was able to grow my email list and improve my website. I’m so glad that I decided to work with you!”

Christina Johnson

Certified Health & Nutrition Coach

“I went from charging by the hour and chasing clients to selling a $3,000 offer, and now I’ve even launched a second business. To my surprise, I began working with clients using my new offer before even posting it to my site!”

Tracy Atkinson

Vedic Astrologer & Intuitive Coach

“This week I enrolled two new Soul Process clients! Making the choice to level up and work with you, allowing time and space and grace and doing the work even through a difficult time in my life was so incredibly worth it and powerful! ”

Marnie Levy

Empowerment Coach for Women

“Sandra's style of listening to what I said, then digging out the morsels which enriched and enlivened the meaning is pure genius. She was able to help me take my printed work to a deeper level.”

Kelly Lonigan

HealthCare Advocate

“You have a way of taking what I say and massaging it and making it sound so much better. I feel more confided and you’ve been that sounding board.”

Helene Golombek

Midlife Transitions Coach

“I am totally speechless. You are an absolute pro at this. You have definitely, beyond a shadow of doubt found your NICHE. I am in awe of how you take my words and make them flow, as you call it, turn it into a love letter. I also want you to know you captured my tone and personality and that is a gift. Love it.”

Jody Silverman

Empty Nest & Midlife Coach

“I love the copy you wrote. You are a genius!”

Dr. Tonya Nichols

Integrative Pharmacist & Holistic Health Practitioner

“This process truly has allowed me to view who I am and who I want as my ideal client with new eyes and wide open! (Oh...great job with my home and about pages! Love them!)”

Jennifer Cerato

Relationship Coach

“Like a helium balloon…that's how I feel at the moment. A smiling, happy face balloon! I customized a plan for a new client today. I sent her the contract, she signed it, sent it back and paid the full amount already. We start Monday. That's TWO!!!”

Nicole Denison

Certified Holistic Health Consultant

“Thanks to my work with Sandra, I just had my fourth call for my new Nourished and Radiant group program.”

Nicole Rochat

Holistic Healing & Wellness Coach